LPP Contest Winner Makes Day 3 of the WSOP Main Event!
Nov 10, 2021
Some of you will recall that back in December of 2019, Learn Pro Poker held a competition between its members. It was a series of tournaments to determine an overall champion, Ryan Awwad, who would receive a stake into the WSOP Main Event!
After many extenuating circumstances our champion is finally able to take his shot, and still has chips going into Day 3! We caught up with him for a quick interview about his experience so far.
- Tell us about how you received this stake from Learn Pro Poker.
LPP ran a contest from 12/2019 to 5/2020 for all members. It was a series of tournaments to earn points into the finale. I was fortunate enough to run well and win it all.
LPP ran a contest from 12/2019 to 5/2020 for all members. It was a series of tournaments to earn points into the finale. I was fortunate enough to run well and win it all.
- What’s your experience level in terms of poker tournaments? As in, which games and which stakes do you normally play?
I just got back in to poker mid-2018 as my kids started to get older. Since then I have played mostly live tournaments ranging from $400-$1600, NLHE only.
I just got back in to poker mid-2018 as my kids started to get older. Since then I have played mostly live tournaments ranging from $400-$1600, NLHE only.
- How are you feeling going into your first WSOP main event?
Excited and lucky to have the shot, feeling confident to start, and hoping to keep that mentality going.
Excited and lucky to have the shot, feeling confident to start, and hoping to keep that mentality going.
- How has LPP helped you prepare for the tournament?
The LPP videos and coaching sessions have given me a strong foundation to build from using both theory and exploitative strategies.
- You recently began using RangeTrainerPro as a study tool as well. Can you tell us about your experience using it to prepare for poker tournaments?
For me, RTP gives me the opportunity to build a solid range for my own play, understand what the ranges of my stronger opponents will be, and use as a post game study tool to review specific decisions.
- What do you plan to do once you reach the final table?
When I get to the FT, first thing I’m going to do is make sure I can get some family and friends in town to rail, but with the cash, I’m going to put it away for the future/get debt free, take a nice trip or two and go back to playing poker a lot more.
For me, RTP gives me the opportunity to build a solid range for my own play, understand what the ranges of my stronger opponents will be, and use as a post game study tool to review specific decisions.
- What do you plan to do once you reach the final table?
When I get to the FT, first thing I’m going to do is make sure I can get some family and friends in town to rail, but with the cash, I’m going to put it away for the future/get debt free, take a nice trip or two and go back to playing poker a lot more.

Follow LearnProPoker and Ryan Awwad as he takes his chip stack into Day 3!
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